About Us

With our innovative and insightful technology, we strive to enhance our users’ every day experiences. Founded in 2000, our incredible team of engineers, programmers, designers and marketers have worked tirelessly to bring SBRA Cloud Technologies Inc. to the forefront of the industry. We will continue to work relentlessly to become the technological standard, providing big picture insights and solutions for companies of all sizes. Our services range from gate and access control services to low voltage cabling. Get in touch to learn more.

Our Story Who we are ?

At SBRA Cloud Technologies, our journey began with a vision to redefine security. It was a vision built on the belief that innovative technology could empower communities, schools, and businesses to safeguard what matters most.

Founded by a group of passionate individuals with diverse expertise in cloud surveillance, artificial intelligence, and security solutions, SBRA was established to meet the evolving needs of modern security. With a commitment to excellence and a proactive approach, we embarked on a mission to deliver advanced, tailored solutions that offer unparalleled safety and peace of mind.

As we’ve grown, our dedication to client-centric service has remained at the heart of our story. We understand that security is not one-size-fits-all; it requires customization to address the unique demands of each client. Our team of experts works tirelessly to ensure that every solution we provide is perfectly aligned with our clients’ needs, exceeding their expectations at every turn.

Our journey is one of continuous innovation, driven by the desire to stay one step ahead of emerging security challenges. This innovative spirit has led us to develop cloud-based cameras, advanced license plate capture, and AI-based systems with facial recognition that set new standards in security.

Today, we are proud to be a trusted partner for HOAs, small cities, schools, and multi-complex communities, delivering tailored solutions designed to safeguard and empower. We are committed to providing the highest level of service and expertise, and our 24/7 customer support ensures that your security needs are met without interruption.

As we look ahead, our story continues to evolve, but our core values remain unwavering: expertise, innovation, client-centricity, and dedication. We invite you to be part of our journey, where security is reimagined, customized, and made simpler for you.


Tailored Solutions

At SBRA Technologies, we deliver personalized security solutions, designed to meet your specific needs. Your safety, uniquely crafted by us.


Proactive Approach

At SBRA Technologies, we deliver personalized security solutions, designed to meet your specific needs. Your safety, uniquely crafted by us.


24/7 Support

At SBRA Technologies, we’re here for you 24/7. Our dedicated customer service team ensures your security needs are met around the clock.


We are forward-thinkers, always seeking innovative ways to enhance security and provide cutting-edge solutions that keep clients ahead of evolving threats.

Our Commitment

At SBRA Cloud Technologies, our commitment goes beyond technology. We pledge to maintain the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and customer satisfaction. Our team is dedicated to building trust and delivering reliable solutions to ensure your peace of mind.

We Value our Customers Their valuable thoughts about us

Our clients’ feedback speaks volumes. They consistently praise SBRA Cloud Technologies for our innovative and secure surveillance solutions. Clients value our dedication, expertise, and the peace of mind our services provide. We are proud to have earned their trust and exceeded their expectations in enhancing their safety.”

Elevate Your Security Today.

Contact Us for Tailored Solutions and we can help build something great to transform.

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